Project 365 - Day 212

July's ABC Soup - E - Elephant Man

Project 365 - Day 211

July's ABC Soup - D - DOF

The depth of field (DOF) is the portion of a scene that appears sharp in the image. Although a lens can precisely focus at only one distance, the decrease in sharpness is gradual on either side of the focused distance, so that within the DOF, the unsharpness is imperceptible under normal viewing conditions.

MMMmmmmmm, love me some good DOF!

Project 365 - Day 210

July's ABC Soup - C - Copycat

This is a copycat of pimpexposure's awesome photo on his day 147. I love his stuff, check him out if you don't already know him!

Project 365 - Day 209

July's ABC Soup - B - Beak

If this could really happen I'd much rather have the wings of a bird instead of the beak... being able to fly would be so freakin cool!

Project 365 - Day 208

July's ABC Soup - A - Addicted

I'm going back and doing the letters that were done before I started the ABCs. I missed A through H.

I'm addicted to alot of things.... thankfully drugs is not one of those things.

Project 365 - Day 207

July's ABC Soup - Z - Zipper

I think it would be cool to be able to unzip your skin and change it out like a pair of pants. Have a different look for each day of the week.

Project 365 - Day 206

July's ABC Soup - Y - Yell

Ever get the urge to just yell right in the middle of a meeting or dinner or some other really inappropriate place? I have, I think it would be awesome to be able to capture the looks on peoples faces after letting loose with some completely insane and louder than loud scream out of nowhere and for no reason, hahahaa...

Project 365 - Day 205

July's ABC Soup - X - Xbox

Crap, here I am being goofy again... lol

As I've talked about in a few of my older photos I'm a complete xbox gamer nerd and proud of it! I'm even sporting my official Xbox shirt :-)

Project 365 - Day 204

July's ABC Soup - W - Wig

This could be W for Wig or probably more appropriate would be W for Weird... but whatever, I like being goofy every now and then.

Project 365 - Day 203

July's ABC Soup - V - Vampire

True Blood is one of my favorite shows on TV right now, if you have HBO and haven't seen it you're missing out...

Project 365 - Day 202

July's ABC Soup - U - Upside Down

Talk about looking at things from a different perspective.... ugh, gives me a headache just thinking about it. Hell, looking at this photo for too long gives me a headache, lol.

Project 365 - Day 201

July's ABC Soup - T - Topless

I have no comment, hahaaa...

Project 365 - Day 200

July's ABC Soup - S - Superman

Day 200!!!! I feel like Superman just making it this far!!!

Project 365 - Day 199

July's ABC Soup - R - Rage

Ever feel the need to go completely midevil on someone? I definitely have....... more than once.... lol

Project 365 - Day 198

July's ABC Soup - Q - Quicksand

Quicksand is a non-Newtonian fluid: when undisturbed it often appears to be solid ,but a minor (less than 1%) change in the stress on the quicksand will cause a sudden decrease in its viscosity. Basically.... don't step in it!

Quicksand is one of those things I've never seen but would like to see atleast once. It feels like a myth to me for some reason, it can't be real, just seems silly.... Or I'm silly.... whatever.

Project 365 - Day 197

Letter of the day - P - Photoshop!!

I can't forget my best friend Photoshop when the letter of the day is P. Oh Photoshop how I love thee! You've saved my ass on so many occasions it should be illegal. But you also have your playful and fun side which has brought much joy to both my life and to others lives, and for that I thank you and celebrate you!!

*Bonus points for Pedro! :-)

Project 365 - Day 196

Overexposed refers to the result of setting a too-low aperture and/or too-fast shutter speed for the light conditions and ISO setting. The image will appear very bright, with no black shadows.

So that's bad right? LOL

Project 365 - Day 195

Noise - Electronic noise is present in camera sensors, and the physical size of the grains of film emulsion creates visual noise. This kind of noise is referred to as "grain".

Project 365 - Day 194

Macintosh - The only "M" word that matters :-)

Project 365 - Day 193

Listen - If people would stop talking long enough to listen, they might find they could talk a little less...

Project 365 - Day 192


Project 365 - Day 191


Project 365 - Day 190

Image - Image is everything

Project 365 - Day 189


Project 365 - Day 188

SOOC, just added text.

The moon over my neighborhood tonight was just way to awesome and FULL not to use in my photo. Every since the movie "An American Werewolf in London" I've loved a good werewolf movie!!

Project 365 - Day 187

Vision - Here are your glasses sir!

Project 365 - Day 186

I'm too tired to come up with something tonight so I thought I'd just act goofy in my new toy that I just got yesterday.... :-)

Project 365 - Day 185

Happy 4th of July everyone!!

Project 365 - Day 184


Project 365 - Day 183

Like alot of people around this time I have finally and officially hit the halfway point in my 365 project and damn does it feel longer than that.... Should be a breeze from here til the end though, hahahahaaa.

Project 365 - Day 182

Today Ali made a comment on my photo for yesterday that made me laugh but at the same time gave me the idea for this photo. So thanks for the help with my 365 Ali!!!