Project 365 - Day 119
Dewain bought me this shirt in Hawaii and made me promise to wear it in one of my 365 photos... So here ya go dude...
Project 365 - Day 117
Life is messy. It's been over a year since we moved into our new house, I probably should unpack my office closet now...
Project 365 - Day 113
Sunset. I know we live pretty far out but we have some of the most amazing sunsets up here. We never saw them like this before we moved...
Project 365 - Day 103
This is to add to my work website that features employees, clients and hopefully future clients all wearing viking helmets. The website is partially seen on the screen.
Project 365 - Day 101
This is me and the goobers I bowl with. Bowling got in the way of more gambling, probably saved me money though. ;-)
Project 365 - Day 98
I'm in Vegas until Sunday so these photos are pretty lame but I can't miss a day. This is outside my Hotel. iPhone, hahaaa....
Project 365 - Day 97
Hopefully I'll make so much money in Vegas this week people will think I'm actually printing it myself.
Project 365 - Day 96
I'm ready to go to Vegas on Wednesday but I think I need a bigger suitcase, I've out grown this one....
Project 365 - Day 93
Poor Simon, he has some messed up vertebrae in his neck that caused him not not be able to use his front leg. Tuesday night he fell in the tall grass on the huge hill in my backyard and couldn't move all night, he just laid there in the rain. Buffy found him in the morning and took him to the vet. After being hooked to an IV for dehydration, he's now on Morphine while his cortisone shot takes effect. Poor little guy looks so sad...
Project 365 - Day 91
I've been hiding my true identity from everyone and decided it was time to come clean. I'm actually a bouncer at a club in downtown Atlanta. That's right, I'm not a short, bald graphic designer that sits behind a desk all day, I am a 6' 3" 250lb creature of the night with a thirst for takin out the trash, by any means necessary. If you're looking for trouble, stay out of my club cause I'm more than you want. You've been warned.
For TRP - April Rogues Day (I'm a Fake)
(I am definitely the short bald guy that plays in Photoshop all day and I love it!)
For TRP - April Rogues Day (I'm a Fake)
(I am definitely the short bald guy that plays in Photoshop all day and I love it!)
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